Personal or Family Matters

Aggressive and compassionate personal representation

Our experience in personal and family matters includes, but is not limited to the following proceedings:

  • Estate planning.

Protect your assets and the rights of your loved ones through careful estate planning. We can help you solidify your wishes with Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and Healthcare planning, as well as other mechanics to help your family avoid the probate process.

  • Probate, estate and trust administration proceedings.

When a family member or loved one passes away, we can help explain all of your rights and obligations, and what you should expect. The probate process can be difficult to understand and challenging! There are numerous deadlines, time periods, and tasks that must be satisfied in accordance with Oklahoma law. While some of these requirements will surprise you, and may seem silly, strict compliance is required, nonetheless.

Our representation is not limited to uncontested matters. With almost 20 years of litigation experience, we have taken complex cases to trial in the context of estate administration cases all over the state of Oklahoma, on behalf of the personal representatives, heirs, beneficiaries, and creditors.

  • Guardianships.

It’s a tough path to walk. You do it because of love, and because its not really a choice. It can be a tearful journey, filled with emotions and stress. Sometimes a guardianship is necessary for a minor child, or an adult who can no longer care for themselves or their property. A person that is the subject of a guardianship is deemed a “Ward”. Guardianships can be specifically limited in scope, or general guardianships are limited only by statutory constraints. While there are many generic forms available to the public, and the Courts will assist guardians through the process, there are difficult time constraints, legal responsibilities and obligations, and a mere oversight or misunderstanding can be disastrous and expensive to correct. We know how to navigate the guardianship process, the issues involved, and what to expect from the different Courts in Oklahoma regarding guardianship proceedings.

The continuing obligations of a guardian are often misunderstood or unknown. It is important that guardians understand their obligations, which include, but are not limited to the following:

  • A guardian has a limited amount of time to present (i) an Inventory, (ii) a Plan for the Care and Treatment of the Ward, and (iii) a Plan for the Management of the Property of the Ward, to be approved by the Court.
  • A guardian must preserve, keep segregated and manage all of the property of the Ward in a prudent manner, without commingling.
  • A guardian must file an annual report and an accounting with the Court, to disclose the status of the Ward and the property, and ask the Court to either terminate or renew the guardianship.
  • A guardian must obtain Court approval before making any extraordinary expenditures for the Ward.
  • A guardian is not allowed to change the residence of a Ward, unless given specific authority from the Court.
  • If you have any questions about serving as a guardian, please consult with the best guardianship attorney that you have confidence in.

  • Criminal Expungements.

Under certain circumstances, Oklahoma law will allow a person to clear their previous misdemeanor or felony criminal records, effectively deleting any references to criminal actions, and providing the legal right to deny that a criminal conviction occurred.

  • Debt relief and bankruptcy.

We have extensive experience and history representing debtors and creditors in bankruptcy proceedings, and successfully negotiating debt settlements, work out agreements, and credit repair facilities for our clients. Please visit our separate webpage dedicated exclusively to bankruptcy.

  • Personal injury and wrongful death.

Our firm has almost 20 years of experience in representing personal injury victims and surviving family members of wrongful death victims.

  • Labor and employment issues.

We have successfully represented claimants and employees, as well as employers, with labor and employment disputes, including but not limited to, unemployment claims; OHSA disputes; department of labor unpaid wage claims; wrongful termination claims; Family Medical Leave Act disputes, and various discrimination claims.

  • Landlord Tenant disputes.

Oklahoma provides very equitable, fair statutes for both landlords and tenants. We have experience in representing both tenants and landlords not only with residential lease disputes, but commercial lease negotiations and disputes, as well. If you have a questions about your lease agreement, or a potential lease agreement, we can help explain your rights and obligations, all of your options, and help you understand the judicial proceedings involved with evictions, breach of contract and forcible entry proceedings.

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